KAMRA Inlay Procedure Package

Presbyopia is a condition associated with the aging of the eye that usually occurs after age 40. When you become presbyopic, you have no difficulty seeing objects in the distance, but you start having trouble seeing small print clearly. You have to hold your smartphone and other objects and reading material (books, magazines, menus, labels, etc.) farther from your eyes to see them more clearly. You should undergo annual thorough eye exams to maintain your eye health. Presbyopia can be treated with eyeglasses (including reading eyeglasses) or advanced surgical procedure such as KAMRA inlay implantation.

At what Age Does Presbyopia Occur
  • Presbyopia usually occurs around age 40.
Surgical Technique

    KAMRA inlay implantation is the latest surgical treatment for presbyopia, which is performed using a femtosecond laser and an KAMRA corneal inlay. This surgical treatment of presbyopia has been more effective compared to previous procedures. The KAMRA inlay is a safe, proven and lasting solution to correct presbyopia.
    It is an opaque ring with 5 microns thick (one-tenth the thickness of a sheet of paper), much smaller and thinner than a normal contact lens. About 8400 small holes have been created by the laser in the inlay body to facilitate diffusion of aqueous, oxygen and nutrients through the cornea and keep the cornea healthy. The KAMR inlay is comprised of a proven biocompatible material, which is completely compatible with the human body and frequently used in a wide variety of eye and other medical implants.

Post-Operative Care
  1. Use your eye drops and medications according to your ophthalmologist’s instruction.
  2. Avoid strenuous activities and contact sports.
  3. You need to have periodic eye exams based on the advice of your ophthalmologist.
  4. Avoid swimming for two weeks after surgery.
Who Are NOT Good Candidates for KAMRA Inlay Surgery
  1. People who have no presbyopia
  2. People with hyperopia (farsightedness)
Common Presbyopia Symptoms
  1. Having eyestrain or headaches after reading or doing close work, such as reading, sewing or working on a computer
  2. Having difficulty reading small print
  3. Needing brighter lighting when reading or doing close work
  4. Feeling dizzy or having headaches while reading
Pre-Operative Preparation
  1. Do not wear makeup 48 hours before surgery.
  2. Tell your ophthalmologist about your medical history and current medications you are taking.
  3. Wash your eyelids and eyelashes the night before surgery.
  4. Eat a light meal the night before surgery.
Surgical Equipment

This surgical procedure is performed using femtosecond laser, the fastest and most precise flap creation laser used in laser eye surgery.

Duration of Your Stay in Iran

2-3 weeks


More Information

For more information, please read the brochures of Noor Eye Hospital.